Digital cooking: from searching for recipes online to managing shopping lists

2 min read
8. May 2024

Digitalisation is coming to Switzerland’s kitchens. From discovering new recipes to organising shopping trips and stocking your cupboards – digital tools are making cooking easier and more accessible. But which apps are the best?

The internet is a paradise for recipe hunters. The app Fooby in particular has become popular among many Swiss. With its wealth of recipes, user-friendly interface and helpful features for saving and sorting your favourite recipes, Fooby is the perfect gateway app for aspiring digital cooks.

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Collecting and archiving recipes digitally

If you want to expand your collection of recipes, you should check out Kitchen Stories. Not only does this app let you find and save recipes from all over the world, it also lets you upload recipes and share them with the community. And the best part: the app also has numerous video tutorials to help you get the hang of complex cooking techniques.

Organising shopping lists

The Bring! app is designed for organising shopping trips. You just enter the ingredients you need and it makes a list for your next shopping trip. You can even share your lists with others – perfect for couples and flatmates.

Managing cupboard stocks and avoiding food waste

The NoWaste app is a great tool for managing food stocks. You can add products using the barcode scanner, set use-by dates and the app sends notifications warning you before your food items will expire – to ensure that nothing gets wasted.

Recipes based on the contents of your fridge

One interesting feature of many cooking apps is the option to create recipes based on a list of ingredients. For example, in the Supercook app, you can enter ingredients that you have available and the app generates a list of recipes that can be prepared using these ingredients. This is a very useful feature for boosting creativity in the kitchen and preventing food waste.

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Your digital kitchen assistant

  • Fooby: discover and save new recipes
  • Kitchen Stories: share your own recipes and learn using video tutorials
  • Bring!: organise your shopping trips and share lists
  • NoWaste: maintain an overview of your food stocks and avoid food waste
  • Supercook: get recipe ideas based on the contents of your fridge

Whether you’re an enthusiastic home chef or just want to be more efficient in the kitchen, digitalising your kitchen can help you to save time, get better organised and take your cooking to the next level. Let’s cook!

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