ePost Academy

Mail which can and cannot be handled digitally

Written by Admin | Nov 7, 2023 12:11:33 pm

You have created an ePost account, you are looking forward to a paperless future, and suddenly a physical letter hits your letterbox. Understandably, this raises questions. Here are the answers and possible solutions.


Why do I still receive paper mail even though I have an ePost account?

All ePost partner documents automatically end up in your ePost inbox. But the number of these partners is (still) limited. If the sender does not use e-mail, unfortunately we are unable to digitally deliver their mail to you.

However, if you receive a physical letter from an ePost partner, please verify that you have enabled the sender in your profile. Or have you recently made changes to your address? In this case, digital shipping will be suspended for security reasons if there has been no re-verification. However, you can easily repeat the verification at any time even in your profile. Find out how this works here.

Is there no way to receive all mail digitally?

Yes and no. There is one way to receive almost all mail digitally – even from senders who are not ePost partners: namely our ePost scanning service.

For a monthly or annual fee, we will automatically open your physical mail in the scan centre and immediately forward it digitally to your e-mail inbox. There is no delay in comparison with conventional despatches. If you still want to receive a physical letter, you can reorder it from us free of charge within 25 days.


However, note that we cannot scan all types of mail. Logically, despatches with physical content such as SIM cards, USB sticks, PIN codes or tickets cannot be digitised. Handwritten addresses that cannot be read by machine, or unusual letter formats, are also not captured during scanning. Finally, we cannot digitise registered letters. So, it will take a while before you can completely dispense with your physical letterbox. But the good news is: as our network of ePost partners is constantly expanding and we are regularly optimising our scanners, you will receive more and more mail digitally in the near future if you wish.