ePost Easy Life Academy

ePost is environmentally friendly - but what is it like in other countries?

Written by Admin | Sep 15, 2023 6:41:59 AM


In many places, digital postal services are still in their infancy. They have huge potential: In this way, they allow users flexible access to their papers and document storage that is easy to manage. ePost also saves a great deal of CO2

Unsurprisingly, countries that have an impressive record when it comes to cross-industry innovation with regard to sustainability are also at the forefront of the digital mail wave. This includes the Scandinavian countries in particular.

For 90 percent of the population in Denmark, opening their own digital mailbox is already part of their everyday routine.
82 percent of Danes also state that they are satisfied or very satisfied with digital mail. ² 

In addition to the Scandinavian countries, the Czech Republic and Poland, among others, are working on promising ePost solutions in Europe: The Czech Republic in particular is successful in using the infrastructure of the national public postal service efficiently. Poland has already had considerable success in attracting companies as partners for digital postal services. ³  

When it comes to e-government - i.e. communication between a modern state and its citizens - the industry leader is outside Europe: measured by participation rate, South Korea is at the forefront, with Japan also doing very well. ⁴ This is interesting. Because we now know how important it is for the successful introduction of digital mail solutions to be incorporated into regulations. If people have already communicated digitally with authorities, filled in or reconciled tax returns, it is easier for them to use a digital mailbox. It is possible that the efforts of these Asian countries with regard to e-post will soon bear fruit. 

Unsurprisingly, countries that impress with cross-industry innovation in sustainability are also at the forefront of the digital postal wave. This includes especially the Scandinavian countries.

In Switzerland, we are definitely working hard to improve our services. Our goal: we want to make life easier for our users and at the same time contribute to a sustainable future. We are pleased about every person who accompanies us on this path.

¹ Fehr, Reto (2021) Papier-, E-Mail- und eBill-Rechnungen: So sehr belasten sie die Umwelt (oder eben nicht). In: Watson: (22.05.2023) 

² (2023) Elektronische Behördenpost am Beispiel Dänemark: (22.05.2023) 

³ Pawel Mlodkowski (2019) Digital Platforms for postal services in EU an Japan. In: Legal Aspects of European Integration (13): (22.05.2023) 

⁴ United Nations E-Government Survey (2018): (22.05.2023)